Wednesday, June 12, 2019

No Whining Today!

Right on the heels of a day filled with frustration, Philippians 2:14 came up in my morning study of the Word.  As I sat at the dining room table still salty about yesterday’s mom woes, I read “do everything without complaining or arguing.”  Yikes! I was instantly convicted of my attitude because I had done the exact opposite.

Spilled tea on freshly mopped floors.  Socks and shoes in front of the couch. Toys in the hallway and foyer.  Empty cups and snack wrappers on the end tables. The list goes on and on.  It feels like the harder I work to keep the house clean, the more they mess it up.  So what comes naturally for me? Grumbling.  I complain about their disrespect and laziness, they blame each other or get sassy with me, and before I know it, an argument has ensued.

It isn’t just at home that my grumbling occurs. It happens at work, too, with new procedures, helicopter parents, and students not living up to their true potential.  It happens in traffic, at the doctor’s office, and at the grocery store.  It is so easy to voice my dissatisfaction about the issue of that particular moment.

We are told in James 5:9  “don’t grumble against each other…” and in 1 Thessalonians to “give thanks in all circumstances.”  What? In ALL circumstances?

James 1:26 says “if anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.” Ouch!  Keeping this tongue in check is hard, especially when I am hurt, angry, or frustrated.  I want to vent--- to my friend, to my mom, to anyone who will listen.

But I shouldn’t.  As Christians, what we say in the presence of others is so important (Ephesians 4:29).  This is most important to me as a mom.  I want to teach my children to watch their words, but to teach this, I have to do it myself.  

So today, I am committed to not complain or grumble even once! Can I do it? With three girls out of the house for a few days at camp, it should be a little easier, but I also have an appointment at the chiropractor and then at the DMV.   We shall see……